The central focus of THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2 (FULL SEQUENCE) is the sexual arousal of this character at the idea and later the spectacle of the total degradation, humiliation, mutilation, torture, rape and murder of his naked victims. Unlike the first HUMAN CENTIPEDE, this work presents graphic images of sexual violence, forced defecation and mutilation and the viewer is invited to experience the event from the perspective of the central character. THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2 (FULL SEQUENCE) is a horror sequel in which a vulnerable and disturbed individual, sexually obsessed with the first film, attempts to create his own 'human centipede'. It also features extensive male and female nudity, verbal references to sexual abuse and paedophilia, strong sex references, strong and very strong language, and discriminatory language. The film also features graphic sight of a pregnant woman's waters breaking and the woman subsequently giving birth. After he has created his 'centipede', Martin attempts to reconstruct one of the most notorious scenes in THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE (FIRST SEQUENCE) by administering a laxative to the members of the 'centipede', in order to make them defecate into each other's mouths, the result being largely implied. Elsewhere in the film, it is implied that Martin is masturbating with sandpaper whilst viewing a DVD of THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE (FIRST SEQUENCE). He is shown thrusting into the naked woman. The film also contains scenes of sexual and sexualised violence, most notably a sequence in which Martin rapes the woman at the end of his 'centipede'. The film also features other acts of mutilation and violence, including bloody bullet impacts, a tongue being pulled out, and sight of throats being cut.

This procedure is often shown in graphic detail, with resultant sight of blood loss and gory injuries. As Martin begins to construct the 'centipede', which involves attaching the mouth of each victim to the anus of the next, we see Martin smashing teeth out with a hammer, cutting skin, cutting ligaments, and stapling mouths to anuses. Violence The film contains a number of sequences of very strong bloody violence and gore.